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First Friday ArtWalk on Etsy.com BOCPAT Artists

Here is our monthly post as part of the First Friday Art Walk on Etsy.com
Every month the AWETeam (Art Walk Etsy Team) over on Etsy.com hosts this event.
It's a virtual Art Walk to see all kinds of unique items that are available on Etsy.
Clayworks by Lisa Boucher Artist Lisa Boucher created this BOCPAT themed treasury for this First Friday Art Walk:
Bearing Gifts of Clay for the Holidays Treasury Collection
Here is our Beads of Clay Professional Artist Team Members Items they would like to share with you:
Porcelain Clowny Face By Suburban Girl Beads
Ceramic Clay Red Flower by Shaterra
Handcrafted Blue Kaleidoscope Snowflake Pin By Clayworksnh
Porcelain Gnome Fairy Stump House by JeraLunaDesigns
Peace Pendant by LadybrookBeads
Handmade Ceramic Toggle Clasp by MaryHardingJewelry
Porcelain Pendant With Copper Wire Wrapping by PorcelainJazz
Frog Skin Colored Beads by MartiC51
Tiny Windmill by Blueberribeads
Crescent Pendants by Marsha Neal Studio

And make sure to check out all of our BOCPAT member shops that are selling items over on Etsy.com for some unique handmade items for your gifts this holiday season:


  1. What a lovely array of ceramic beads!! I am so pleased to be participating today.

  2. Beautifully done Marsha!! Clay Beads rock! What fabulous jewelery can be made with Artisan Clay Beads & more! Thanks so much again Marsha for putting this all together!


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