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Make Small, Think Big

porcelain cabochon detail EE11 & TADA365

Passing through life one day at a time has been a real struggle for many this year…. And sadly it is nothing new. It has been just a continuance of many changes in Earth’s patterns due to numerous reasons, and sadly again, one of them being humans’ interference. We have departed from what we ought to be… part of our planet. Instead of embracing it, we have used and abused and destroyed. The wheel that started turning is rapidly speeding up and still many continue not understanding.
I am not writing this to put you in bad mood or tell you how you should act, but using the obvious and emotions that are stirred within me, not just as a human but as an artist, to show how we should use those emotions to express ourselves through what we do. Maybe you disagree with what I feel, but that is not the point here right now.
It has always been an issue for some to find inspiration so they grasp for copying other artists ideas, designs and inspirations. Listen to your heart, observe your surrounding, listen to sounds, touch, feel……. INSPIRATIONS ARE WITHIN YOU! Since we as individuals are none alike and all unique, then our creations will be such if we reach within ourselves for inspirations.
Confronting emotions can be a somewhat traumatic experience, but art is known to be a healer or at least comforter. Don’t be afraid to share YOUR emotions through YOUR art.

Main reason for creating a project “Emotions in Earth” was to help us try explore ourselves and bring our art to higher level… and levels are not to be compared because we are all differently progressing.

My personal project through this year was circle. First I observed and transformed and used it in its physical/geometrical sense, but for my final part of the project for this year, I wanted to represent circle of life not just in physical but also in emotional and spiritual sense. It is to be shown through a necklace with a porcelain cabochon in a shape of a real heart with some Earthy details that to my heart have a special meaning and represent MY OWN feelings. Also many parts of this piece of jewelry will have a meaning together with its shape. You can read and see more about this piece on my blog (micicarts.blogspot.com).

If you wish to share your blog post about how YOU transfer your emotions to your ceramic art you can leave a link in your comment.

I wish you all happy claying!


  1. Powerful, inspirational art and words, no matter what we do in life. You obviously put a lot of time and thought into both. I'm so glad I "dropped by" at just the right time and had the good fortune to see and read this.

  2. What a gorgeous piece you are making Sandra. Love how you incorporated you circle theme into it. Look forward to more photos as you continue you on. Thanks so much for the great post.


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