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Welcome Val Garber Our Newest Blog Author: HELLO FROM " DOWN UNDER"

No not Australia ! Namibia Africa. I'll be writing a blog here, first Sundays of the month. So I wanted to introduce myself.

I'm an American grandmother, and I have been living in Namibia with my husband since 2002. I founded and run a women's project, helping the very poor learn craft skills to earn a living.
Typical homes of our ladies.

our Project, WORK OF OUR HANDS, has been making ceramic beads for about 2 years now. Along the way, we have made all the mistakes possible it seems.  I might have given up, had it not been for our equipment investment, and for the ladies depending on the project for their income.

My first "official" post will be coming Sunday. It's about Terra Sigilatta for beads. Learning about it myself came about due to glaze troubles. I was desperate. Hope you will check out the post. See you Sunday. Val Garber



  1. Welcome! It will be inspiring to read about your projects.

  2. Welcome Val! It's wonderful to read what you're doing helping these ladies. I'm looking forward to your post, I have never used TS either. And all future posts as well.

  3. Welcome to the Beads of Clay Author pool!!! I am so excited to here and see more of what you are doing "down" there! :-D

  4. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone !

  5. That's exciting Val ~ your ladies do beautiful work. Looking forward to hearing more of their story and about Namibia. Great to meet you Val and many thanks for contributing!

  6. Warms my heart to read about your mission. I love that lion pendant!! Please be sure to let art jewelry fanatics like me know where we can purchase beads from your group. I will be back to learn more.

  7. Aquariart here's a link http://www.artfire.com/users/Work-Of-Our-Hands I left the USA to come back in such a rush, I only got a few beads photographed. I will try to get someone to help me take photos in Denver so I can get more on line for sale.

  8. Welcome! So happy to have you involved within our community of bead makers & look forward to reading your posts!


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