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Second Wednesday Giveaway

Second Wednesday Giveaway Time!

The second Wednesday of each month we will just give stuff away!
Why?.....because We Can! :-)

This time we are giving away 2 fabulous pendants from 2 of our BOC Artists....

This month's prizes feature furry friends.

A very cute cat in a pile of flowers by Grace M Smith of GoodNightGracie

And a great orange kitty from Golemn Design Studio

So......  I wonder.....
Do you have any Furry Studio Assistants?
Does your kitty like to help you with your wirework?
Is your dog always checking the light from your favorite photography window?
Do you have an extremely talented Iguana?
This is my Wookie :-)   (I mean Whoodle) Samson.

  He's head of security and safety around the Artisan Clay Studio.  His role as safety manager includes enforcing proper ergonomics, tirelessly sitting between me and the back of the couch in order to ensure that I am always sitting with a straight back while wet sanding beads, assembling jewelry etc.  He also patrols the grounds looking out of the windows frequently and warning of any possible threats--- Mom's pushing strollers, kids on bikes,..... 

Do you have any studio pets? 
Leave a comment below for a chance to win these 2 pendants from our Beads of Clay members.


  1. I have a big fat cat who can't actually jump on the table, so I'm pretty lucky!! But, I am also lucky to have a big fat cat BOX in my studio...that's life in a tiny apartment. At least I'm motivated to scoop it more frequently. :) haaaaaaaaaa

  2. My dachshund loves to watch me create in my studio. Her fav place to be is in my lap curled up and sleeping. Sometimes, I think she thinks she's a cat:)

  3. I have two cats who like to supervise my work. Well actually, Elliot likes to supervise and Dexter likes to keep my work warm, lol!

  4. I have a large rescue dog - probably a Golden/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. If he's not out protecting the house from squirrels and birds, he is inside sleeping on my feet as I design jewelry. He's got this thing about my feet....lol!

  5. No studio pets (unless you count the endless stream of spiders my pets ;-)
    That dog looks just like my pup Madison who is romping in the big fields in the sky. Woof. Good dog.
    Enjoy the day!

  6. My mostly white cat is really good at hairing up my black studio work chair when I'm not around. Gee - I think the cat has been here again. Most Excellent.

  7. I have seven chickens who wonder into my studio if I leave the door open. They aren't furry but they're feathered. I have gone into the studio and could tell one of them had been in there while I was gone. Can you say, tornado???

  8. I actually have six dogs and cats that all help. Probably my most active helper is Monster, a grey polydactyl cat that thinks his job in life is to steal my beads and hide them

  9. Layla our dog is usually spralled between our desks - one of these days she is going to get her ears rolled over :-)

  10. I have a chocolate lab that loves to come with me in the studio. She has a special rug, to lie on, and alerts me when someone is near. I feel very protected with her, because my studio is not in my house, and I mostly go at night to work on my creations.

  11. My white long-haired cat Zsa Zsa loves my "wubbie" (bead mat). When I'm using it she would like to lay on it. BUT, I must use it and she must not.

  12. Those two kitties are just so cute!

    We have eight cats. Thankfully, not all of them are interested in beads. Most of the time they just help me to excerise the beads, tossing, rolling, chasing and biting on bead bags and tubes. And chew on threads and wires("condition" according to them). Pull a strung, but not secured, necklace from my hands. And so on. The older cats mostly just keep me company, sleeping in a bed or sofa nearby. Or in my lap. Randa loves to sleep on my bead mat.

  13. Totally enjoying all these comments! Our pets are amazing & we just love them! and Cindy!!...chickens?!cool! I miss having chickens...they are so fun to watch!
    My buddy is my Daisy beagle girl... She's not permitted in my clay/glaze room, but is happy when I am creating jewelry, sleeps at my feet but will bury/hide beads in her bed! I used to have a guinea pig that would curl up in my lap while I worked!

  14. Hi!!!
    I have a fish,I love polymer clay I make some jewelry time to time with my kids,is so nice to see them working seriosly with it,I hope you can choose me, I foun your blog visiting the SHIRLEY VAN DER VELDT blog.
    My email is irmapolanco@yahoo.es

  15. The winner is cindydolezaldesigns

    Thank you to everyone who played along!


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