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Artisans Village in Stringing Magazine

As an Artist I wanted to give a shout out to other bead artists that in the next issue of Stringing Magazine (Interweave Press) they are offering a new advertising section called "Artisans Village".

I wanted to post earlier about this, but having Riley put this on the back burner.

The deadline for reserving and ad material is right now (I think things go to printer on Friday)...

As some of you know, I have been a firm believer in advertising in magazines, but in this economy and with the cost of regular small ads being around $500 a pop, I had to cut my advertising back big time.

Well, this new Artisans Village concept is like a combination of a color ad (you have a picture of your beads in it) and a classified ad (you have your business name, small description, and link to your website or Etsy shop, etc).

And it's only $124 for this ad!

AND they are starting it with only one page, so when it is full, that's it for now.

For more info, contact Dana Groves (my ad rep at Interweave for Stringing) by email:

dgroves (at) Interweave.com

Make sure to replace (at) with the symbol @ and remove any spacing...


Above is the current Winter 2009 Issue available now...

And by the way, I am in no way being compensated for telling you about this, I just really love this idea and think that Stringing is hands down one of the best beading magazines out there... And want you to be able to jump on this opportunity if you have been thinking about trying advertising!

Dana can email you a pdf of what the page layout looks like as well as the specifications for the ad...

See you in the Artisans Village!!!


  1. Thanks, Marsha. This is good information and hopefully they'll do this again. I'm keeping this on my mind for future opportunities. I'm just not there right now.

  2. Marsha, I was just contacted about this and decided to go ahead (but the rate I was quoted was a little more than what you posted so perhaps it has to do with whether you've run ads with them in the past?). My fingers are crossed that it's effective for bringing in some new customers! It does seem like a good opportunity to get in there for a lot less money than usual.


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