The first color scheme for our challenge is the Monochromatic Color Scheme. Monochromatic schemes can be considered one color. So pick one color found on the color wheel and stick to it. You may use different tones and shades of that original color.![](
Tones and shades are found when you add either black or white to your starting color. An example of this would be red. If you start with red and add white you will get pink. So a red and pink combination is still Monochromatic because you
didn’t add any of the other colors found on the color wheel.
I chose Yellow Green. I used dark beads in yellow green and lighter ones. The challenge I found was to just stick to one color. I had to remind myself to not let Green and Blue-Green into the mix. I love Moss agate and it kept trying to sneak in, but the moss agate I have is a bit on the blue-green side.
So here is my finished piece! I used my Small Style A Cabochons, Agates, glass, and a silk cord.
To enter your work for a chance to win beautiful Clay beads by Beads-of-Clay members, please add your photos to the
Beads of Clay Flickr group. Please label your photo with the color scheme you have used. Example: Monochromatic Yellow-Green
On Febuary 5th a random winner will be chosen from all the entries in the Monochromatic color group.
Entries need to include at least one clay bead or button. Entries can be a Clay bead or Button. Entries do not have to be jewelry.
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